KARP’s mission to raise awareness for radon induced lung cancer in Kentucky is championed by a network of radon professionals and friend organizations focused on bridging gaps in radon education and health impacts.
The University of Kentucky College of Nursing’s Bridging Research Efforts and Advocacy Toward Healthy Environments (BREATHE) program is a multi-disciplinary research, outreach, and practice collaborative and has been a longtime friend, partner and supporter of KARP. Find BREATHE at www.breathe.uky.edu and click on the Radon tab.
BREATHE (formerly the Clean Indoor Air Partnership)’s Radon Policy Division is funded, in part, by the Kentucky State Radon Program through support from the Federal Environmental Protection Agency State Indoor Radon Grant (SIRG). BREATHE’s Radon Policy Division, started in 2006, seeks to raise awareness about the dangers of radon exposure and prompt action to reduce radon risks using evidence-based practices, policy development, and research. BREATHE’s radon research focuses on reducing synergistic risks from exposure to radon and tobacco smoke, mapping radon potential in partnership with the Kentucky Geological Survey, and developing biomarkers of exposure to radon in partnership with basic scientists in UK’s College of Medicine.
Contact us to become a member of KARP.